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ERP management platform

Published : September 07, 2018

As part of my internship at the Diocesan Association of Quimper I had to implement a management platform for association welcoming general public. Indeed, they wanted to have a management platform including various information from their public place while being accessible from the outside. This is why I opted for a web platform.
That is, sensitive data were deleted before the publication of this demo version!

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SDIS29 Project

Published : May 14, 2018

As part of our training we had to partly reproduce, in a group project, the personal of the management of the SDIS29. In order to know how we did this, come and discover our work by clicking on the following link.

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Published : November 30, 2017

You will find here all the basic and necessary information to create a web page.

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Published : November 30, 2017

CSS is an important language in the field of WEB. In fact this one is your will allow you to implement a visual identity of your Internet creation. This language gives you the opportunity to format and enhance your HTML code.

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Published : February 10, 2018

PHP is a free programming language that can be used to object-oriented programming, but also in the field of WEB, by through forms, for example. It is mainly used for produce dynamic web pages. We can note that it is used by large sites that we regularly use such as Facebook. It is an essential pillar for the creation of dynamic sites but also web applications, like media players ... This course explains the basics of this language.